Our Products & Services




  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Mutual Funds
  • Variable Annuities
  • Retirement
    • IRA
    • SEP
    • Simple IRA
    • Pension Plans
    • Profit-Sharing (401K)
    • Employee Stock Option Plan
    • 403 (b)
  • Life Insurance
    • Whole Life
    • Second-to-Die
    • Universal
    • Term
  • Fixed and Equity-Index Annuities
  • Disablility Insurance
  • Long term Care Insurance
  • Individual Major Medical
  • Auto
  • Home
  • Personal Umbrella
  • Commerical
  • Workers Compensation
  • General Liablity
  • College Education Funding
  • Pre-Retirement Planning
  • Post-Retirement Planning
  • Investment Planning
  • Business Continuation Planning
    • Buy-Sell
    • Stock Redemption
    • Key-Person
  • Asset Management

*These products are offered through Lincoln Financial Securities Corporation (LFSC).

Some life insurance policies may involve exclusions or limitations.  For complete details and cost of coverage, contact us at (770) 471-1099.